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JavaScript API

This JavaScript browser API allows web monetized websites to request small payments from users. Payments are sent to the website by the user's Web Monetization provider.

No files are needed to use this API.

This API is injected by any browser or extension that supports Web Monetization.

This document represents the current API implementation. Note that a draft specification suitable for the W3C standards track is being developed which should NOT be used as a reference for current implementations.


  • Your website is monetized.
  • The user visiting your site has an account with a Web Monetization provider.
  • The user's browser supports Web Monetization natively or through an extension.


The browser exposes the document.monetization DOM object that implements EventTarget and has a read-only state property. The object allows you to track Web Monetization events and see whether the user visiting your page is web monetized.

document.monetization: EventTarget
document.monetization.state: 'stopped' | 'pending' | 'started'


Check the value of document.monetization.state to see if a user is web monetized.


Until Web Monetization is built into browsers, the state will be undefined unless a polyfill is installed (e.g. a Web Monetization provider's browser extension).

document.monetization === undefined


The extension is capable of Web Monetization but is not currently sending micropayments, nor trying to.

document.monetization && document.monetization.state === 'stopped'

If your site is adding a meta tag dynamically, then the state begins in stopped. It transitions to pending after the tag is added.


The extension is trying to send payments but has yet to send the first non-zero micropayment.

document.monetization && document.monetization.state === 'pending'

If the extension recognizes your site's meta tag, then the state begins in pending.


The extension is currently sending micropayments.

document.monetization && document.monetization.state === 'started'

It can take a few seconds to change from pending to started. The events described below can be used to listen for a change in document.monetization.state.

Browser events


Determine when Web Monetization is enabled by adding an event listener for monetizationpending to document.monetization.

Event listener

function pendingEventHandler (event) {

.addEventListener('monetizationpending', pendingEventHandler)

Event object

paymentPointerStringYour payment account URL. The same value is used as the content in your <meta> tag.
requestIdStringThis value is identical to the session ID/monetization ID (UUID v4) generated by the user agent (see Flow).

Example event object

detail: {
paymentPointer: "$",
requestId: "ec4f9dec-0ba4-4029-8f6a-29dc21f2e0ce"


Determine when Web Monetization has started actively paying by adding an event listener for monetizationstart to document.monetization.

Event listener

function startEventHandler (event) {

.addEventListener('monetizationstart', startEventHandler)

Event object

paymentPointerStringYour payment account URL. The same value is used as the content in your <meta> tag.
requestIdStringThis value is identical to the session ID/monetization ID (UUID v4) generated by the user agent (see Flow).

Example event object

detail: {
paymentPointer: "$$",
requestId: "ec4f9dec-0ba4-4029-8f6a-29dc21f2e0ce"


Determine when Web Monetization has stopped by adding an event listener for monetizationstop to document.monetization.

Event listener

function stopEventHandler (event) {

.addEventListener('monetizationstop', stopEventHandler)

Event object

paymentPointerStringThe payment account URL for the Web Monetization meta tag at the time when payment has stopped.
requestIdStringThe session ID/monetization ID (UUID v4) generated by the browser for the Web Monetization meta tag at the time when payment has stopped.
finalizedBooleanWhen true, the monetization tag has been removed or the paymentPointer changed. No more events with this requestId expected.

Example event object

detail: {
paymentPointer: "$$",
requestId: "ec4f9dec-0ba4-4029-8f6a-29dc21f2e0ce",
finalized: false


Determine the current status of the payment stream by adding an event listener for monetizationprogress to document.monetization.

Event listener

function progressEventHandler (event) {

.addEventListener('monetizationprogress', progressEventHandler)

Event object

paymentPointerStringYour payment account URL. The same value is used as the content in your <meta> tag.
requestIdStringThis value is identical to the session ID/monetization ID (UUID v4) generated by the user agent (see Flow).
amountStringThe destination amount received as specified in the Interledger protocol (ILP) packet.
assetCodeStringThe code (typically three characters) identifying the amount's unit. A unit, for example, could be a currency (USD, XRP).
assetScaleNumberThe number of places past the decimal for the amount. For example, if you have USD with an asset scale of two, then the minimum divisible unit is cents.
receiptStringbase64-encoded STREAM receipt issued by the Web Monetization receiver to the Web Monetization provider as proof of the total amount received in the stream.

There may be multiple STREAM connections for a single requestId. Therefore, a receipt amount may not represent the total amount received for a given requestId.

Example event object

In this example, the total amount of USD received is equal to 7567 × 10^-2 (75.67).

detail: {
paymentPointer: "$",
requestId: "ec4f9dec-0ba4-4029-8f6a-29dc21f2e0ce",
amount: "7567",
assetCode: "USD",
assetScale: 2,

HTTP headers


DEPRECATED: The Web-Monetization-Id header is deprecated in favor of receipts.

The Web-Monetization-Id header contains the monetization ID (UUID v4) generated by the browser. The monetization ID is identical to the session ID and the requestId in the monetizationstart browser event.

The header MAY be sent on SPSP queries for Web Monetization and MUST be a UUID v4.

Example header

Web-Monetization-Id: dcd479ad-7d8d-4210-956a-13c14b8c67eb


You can monetize an iframe by adding monetization to the iframe's allow attribute. For example:

  <iframe src = "/wm/example.htm" width = "600" height = "800" allow="monetization">

The iframe must have the meta tag in its head in order to monetize. In the example above, example.htm contains the Web Monetization meta tag. No errors will occur from embedding a non-monetized iframe with allow="monetization".

The allow attribute continues to support multiple permissions when using monetization. For example, <...allow="monetization; fullscreen">.

If the parent page contains the Web Monetization meta tag and multiple monetized iframes, then payment is split between all monetized frames. Whether the payment is split evenly is a matter of payment rate. Coil, for example, had split payments evenly; however, the standard doesn't require providers to do so.